Wednesday, October 24, 2012

[PANEL] The Evolution of Web Design

Panel: The Evolution of Web Design
4:00pm – 5:00pmTheatre

1. Moderator: Justin Ogglesby, Hall mc

2. Panel: David Billson, rtraction

3. Panel: Andrew McClenaghan, Digital Echnidna

4. Panel: Jonathan Kochis, Resolution Interactive Media

Moderator: Justin Ogglesby
Hall MC
Bio: Associate Director of Digital Media, Raconteur, Oldest Sibling, Wanna Be Athlete, Community Volunteer, Socialite, Human Being

Panelist: David Billson
Bio: David Billson is husband to one, father to six and employer of 20 in the London region, through his role as President of rTraction Canada, Inc, a digital agency interested in positive change. As a local entrepreneur in the online marketing and web development space for over 15 years, David has worked with a wide spectrum of businesses from dot-com start-ups to Fortune 100 companies. He also serves as Vice President of the Pillar Nonprofit Network Board of Directors.

Panelist: Andrew McClenaghan
Digital Echidna
Bio: Owner and Lead Developer, Andrew McClenaghan, holds a Bachelor of Mathematics majoring in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo. He has worked full-time in small and large companies throughout his career, founding Echidna in 2001. McClenaghan has experience managing all aspects of software development from requirements analysis to software production to quality assurance and deployment. Andrew is a father of two young children and currently sits on the Fanshawe College Board of Governors.

Panelist: Jonathan Kochis
Resolution Interactive Media
Bio: Along with Brendan Farr-Gaynor, Jonathan is a founding partner of ResIM; a web and mobile development and marketing firm with offices in London and Toronto. Since launching ResIM full-time in 2006 Jonathan has helped grow the business from three to 13 employees with a client list that includes Samsonite Canada, 3M Canada, Staples, Seneca College, the Middlesex-London Health Unit and the London Health Sciences Centre. In his account management and strategy role Jonathan is responsible for sales and helping clients plan and execute project and campaign strategies. Finally, Jonathan is an accomplished bio writer and enjoys doing so on behalf of Andrew Procter and Geoff Villeneuve.
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